We are so lucky to have Cllr Hamza Taouzzale joining our team,He will be offering talks and workshops in our partner schools as well as parent and student surgeries.
Hey everyone!
My name is Hamza Taouzzale, I am 20 years old and I am one of the local Councillors for Queens Park (QP)! I have represented the residents of QP for just under two years all while studying for my Politics degree at Goldsmiths, University of London.
As part of my degree and as a result of it being my final year at uni, I have chosen to carry out a work placement module which will last for the duration of the winter half term and the first spring half term resulting in me staying until the end of March. I gratefully accepted the role at QP Primary as I wanted to do something that would not only allow me to ‘give back’ to an area that I hold so closely to me but it would allow me to gain experience in an environment that I was not too used to.
Over the course of the 8 weeks I am here, I will be working on the amazing Children’s University Project, as well as a few other things! It’s an area that I really wanted to focus on because I wholeheartedly subscribe to the principles of doing extracurricular activities which then allow the children to graduate. It means that the children get to widen their experiences vastly and are able to get out and about a lot more!
Being a Councillor, I have vast experience in connecting and working with different groups of people and therefore I am elegantly suited to interact with all our partners here in Westminster (other schools and charities). With this I hope to increase the reach of the Children’s University project so that more young people can take part in activities that they normally wouldn’t get involved in. I would also like to carry out parent-student advice surgeries. Being involved in local politics means that I am in a unique position to be able to help people on a range of issues from rubbish dumping to Housing problems. Offering this would allow those who can’t normally make my other surgery a chance to have some of their questions answered.
Finally, being a student myself, I would love to see all the young people successfully graduate in February, with myself following shortly after from my own University in September!