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Tim Maynard



A world in the making


I’m Tim Maynard,

A Zoologist and Naturalist with a vision to Teach, to all, the Wonders of the Natural World

I have to say, that there is nothing unusual about that in itself, we currently have a plethora of fantastic Natural World Presenters that we see on TV and Social Media, David Attenborough, Chris Packham, Steve Backshall, to name a few, all Brilliant Presenters that bring their Knowledge and the Wonder of Nature to our screens

I however, have a slightly different approach to how I Teach, sure I can tell you how a Tarantula catches and consumes it’s Prey or how a Mantis has 360 degree Vision, with a slick Power Point, embedded Video and a Jazzy Sound track (I can do that!) I prefer to make my Programs memorable with Live Specimens, something you can actually touch, if you wish, to bring a far more Memorable Learning Experience, something that will live long in the memory



As with most keen Naturalists, my interest in the Natural World started very early, most of my younger years were spent living on a Houseboat, it’s hard not to wonder when the River Thames is your Garden!

I had the good fortune to get a Job as a GDB at The London Butterfly House just after finishing School, Holiday work and the occasional weekend, so as any good Naturalist would, I researched, the Butterflies and Moths on show and also the collection of other Giant Bugs, housed with in, Visitors would ask questions and I was delighted to be able to answer their questions

I stayed there for 5 years, was General Manager for 3. Educated and Entertained School Groups, Families and Tourists and loved it!

I moved from The London Butterfly House to The Rainforest Experience (both at the time were Concessions in Syon Park)

I took my Zoology Degree and presentation experience to a Tropical House that contained Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish and Bugs, again Educating and Entertaining School Groups, Families and Tourist, as well as Birthday Parties!

Working at both venues, not only gave me the confidence to talk to visitors about what they were seeing but actually show them, first-hand and they could actually touch something that they had only ever seen as a picture or on a screen, it’s a truly memorable Experience

After a brief Hiatus (Syon Park Closed the Concessions and opened a Hotel)

I entered the Museum Sector, spent 25 years as a Science Program Developer and Presenter, Tour Guide, Science Educator, Sleep Over Presenter and Gallery Educator for The Natural History Museum and Science Museum and loved it all! But, all of the exhibits during this time were either man made or fossilised!

So I decided to merge My Knowledge of my subject and write, develop and present my own individual, educational and learning programs using my very own collection of Live Bugs, Amphibians and Reptiles

My Vision

So I now Take Maynard’s Mini Zoo to Schools, Science Centres and other Venues, to really showcase these wonderful creatures and highlight their importance in the Natural World and give those who meet them, a better understanding of the world around them

In today’s world of Climate Change and Environmental Issues, I think it’s vitally important that our young generation have the opportunity to experience these Animals in real life and get a truly memorable Learning Experience

More Amazing Adventures with Tim Maynard's Mini Zoo

Learning about Sublimation with Tim

Learning about H20 AND SUBLIMATION with Tim Maynard

Sublimation is the conversion between the solid and the gaseous phases of matter, with no intermediate liquid stage. For those of us interested in the water cycle, sublimation is most often used to describe the process of snow and ice changing into water vapor in the air without first melting into water.

Meeting amazing creatures with Tim Maynard

Work inspired by Tim's Year 4 Visit
