“Westminster CU is taking an important step for improving the recycling rates and clearing public spaces of litter by starting the A Future without Rubbish project."
"The CU sessions I have attended have included children from different age groups, from different cultures and religions and all have spoken very highly of the groups."
By offering an affordable and effective provision ,our aim is to engage local partners and create appropriate provision to further develop the projects’ ability to assist attendees' in experiencing a wider range of educational opportunities.
Our Project facilitators regularly transport students to activities across the contributors while using their own skills and experience to provide coaching and
well being opportunities through facilitation of clubs.
100% of participants wish to continue provision and agree they have see positive outcomes.
100% of participants are seeking to expand their provision through CU
100% of participants found CU staff flexible and helpful.
100% of participants respondents rate the 2023-2024 service as 10/10 stars.
Data from councils has shown an average 36 per cent cut in youth service budgets across London. Ten of the councils who responded to requests for information have cut youth funding by 50 per cent or more over five years. The impact of this level of cuts could be devastating to accessing cultural and peer experiences for our vulnerable young people.
Living in a world that increasingly has seen a rise in isolation of young people can leave them only experiencing a limited variety of opportunities to share their thoughts and react to the feedback of others .Experiencing what other people think of their work and experimenting with new disciplines is vital. We believe they should see and engage in all that the worlds of the arts, business and education have to offer freely with like-minded peers .Offering a wider spectrum of choice through the arts can play an important role in creating new experiences and breaking down boundaries. WCU clubs help us to work toward this goal for our young leaners.
Unison recently asked young people about the impact youth service cuts had on their lives. In response, 83 per cent said they were having an effect on crime and anti-social behaviour, and 71 per cent said it was now harder for young people to stay in formal education. Good quality youth services such as WCU extracurricular provision have been proven to help prevent young people from falling into crime and also make them less vulnerable to the exploitation of groups like gangs.
17% of young people still have no access to the internet and young non-students use the internet less than any other group apart from the retired(contact 2011) ;by engaging them in extracurricular activity such as our IT and STEM clubs, we are opening their eyes to new opportunities and experiences which they can then share with the wider community.
We understand that Schools want activities that are relevant to the curriculum, that meet their needs, that are high quality in terms of planning and communication as well as delivery, and that ultimately benefit their young people’s life chances.
Best practice from consultations with schools has highlighted the importance of accessing local cultural provision, incorporating teacher development into activities, school-school collaborations, and leveraging funding from various sources which is the intention of our WCU club and overall offer.