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Coming to WCU in December 2022/23 

The Positivi-Tee workshop program is a cross-curricular learning      opportunity that seeks to embolden positive outlooks and healthy attitudes through screen printing.


Children design, create and print slogans with motivational affirmations on T-shirts

which not only develops the skill of screen printing but encourages healthy discussions concerning mental health and child well-being.


The concept of Positivi-Tees was spawned from the

negative impact Coronavirus left on children during the pandemic.

As a teacher working in school during this period, I observed the decline in children’s mental wellbeing and their ability to learn. Something needed to be done.

 It became apparent that the introduction of a workshop, focused on inspiring positivity, would be of great benefit. This positivity inspired workshop would ensure the creation of safe, happy spaces for children away from home where they could explore their creativity and express themselves. This is a long-term vision to build their confidence and reinforce self-esteem. The workshop exists to support them not just post pandemic, but as a long term, extra-curricular activity of benefit for the future.

Positivi-Tees’ is an extra-curricular Art and Design workshop in which children create their own T-Shirt design, featuring a positive or motivational slogan. They are T-Shirts designed by children, for children. Whilst the wider workshop benefits are clear to teachers and parents, for the children it is an opportunity to have some creative fun whilst building better peer to peer relationships.

Students do better, work better, create better when they feel safe and supported.

This workshop can be undertaken during half terms and summer holidays. In addition, it can be adapted as an after-school club or as part of a subject specific area of the school’s art curriculum.
